Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Search Engines
14 min Read
26 Jul, 2024
Top 17 AI Search Engines

In today's world, where we always look for information, AI-powered search engines have become our main tool. AI helps us find things online more easily by making search engines work better and easier to use. These search engines don't just look for words we type; they understand what we really want to know and give us the right answers. This helps us get what we need fast and without looking through lots of irrelevant information.


You know, there's a whole world of best AI search engines out there. So, we've put together a list of the Top 17 AI search engines that are really making waves. They're not just your average search engines; they've got their own unique tricks. 


In this blog post, we'll look at the 2024 AI search platforms that are making big changes. 


How AI is Revolutionizing Search Capabilities


Artificial intelligence is improving search engines, making them easier to use and more helpful than ever. In the old times, it mainly looked for the same words in your search that were on websites. This sometimes gave results that weren't very useful. Now, AI search engine technology helps by understand what you really mean when you search. It looks at the whole meaning of your search, not just the words, to give you better results.


AI learns from user behavior. It keeps track of what kind of results you prefer, making your searches quicker and easier. Language differences are also less of a problem with AI. AI also helps get rid of low-quality content and spam. This makes sure that the information you get is not only useful but also trustworthy. These improvements are transforming the way we look at information online, making our searches faster, more accurate, and a lot more fun.


Top 17 AI Search Engine Tools


Gemini AIGenerative Text, Conversational AI, Knowledge Integration
Bing AIVisual Search, Intelligent Answers, Social Media Integration
YandexLanguage Understanding, Geolocation-based Search, Integration with Local Services
KomoChinese Language Processing, Deep Learning for Visual Search, AI-powered Advertising
Alibaba Cloud SearchE-commerce Integration, Intelligent Recommendations, Real-time Indexing
ElasticsearchScalability, Real-time Search, Analytics and Visualization
IBM Watson DiscoveryNatural Language Understanding, AI-driven Content Recommendations, Integration with Enterprise Data
SwiftypeUnified Search Across Platforms, Unified Search Across Platforms, Customizable Search Ranking
AlgoliaReal-time Indexing, Geo-search, AI-driven Ranking
DiffbotVisual Data Extraction, Automatic Data Enrichment, Customizable Data Models
CovioIntelligent Enterprise Search, Unified Information Access, Predictive Analytics
LucidworksAI-driven Search Relevance, Personalization, Data Connectors
SinequaCognitive Search, Unified Information Access, Natural Language Processing
PhindUnified Information Discovery, Advanced Analytics, Scalability
Amazon CloudsearchScalability, Multi-language Support, Integration with AWS
Brave AI BrowserPrivate Search, Independent Indexing, Open Source Approach
PerplexityConversational Search, Semantic Understanding, Cited Sources


1. Gemini AI

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Gemini stands at the pinnacle of search engine technology, integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence to deliver precise and personalized search results.


Gemini AI Core Features:


  • Generative Text: Gemini excels at generating different creative text formats, including poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, and more.
  • Conversational AI: Gemini offers interactive chat capabilities, engaging in discussions, answering questions, and adapting to various conversational styles.
  • Knowledge Integration: Gemini leverages Google's vast knowledge base to access and process information, providing informative and comprehensive responses.


Industry Applications:


  • Writing and Content Creation: Gemini can assist with brainstorming ideas, crafting different content formats, and enhancing creative workflows.
  • Education and Learning: Gemini can personalize learning experiences, answer complex questions, and provide engaging ways to explore new topics.
  • Customer Service and Support: Gemini can handle basic inquiries, offer personalized recommendations, and improve customer interactions.


Strengths and Weaknesses:



  • Creativity and Versatility with open-ended conversations.
  • Constant Learning and Improvement from user interactions.


  • Accuracy and Factuality are harmed by Bias and Misinformation.


Comparative Analysis:


Gemini is different from other AI tools because it can create interesting texts, knows a lot of things, and keeps learning. But it's important to know about any biases or limits it might have, so we can use it wisely and understand it well.


2. Bing AI

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Bing AI Search, Microsoft's offering, combines AI and deep learning to enhance search experiences.


Bing AI Core Features


  • Visual Search: Bing excels in visual search capabilities, allowing users to search using images.
  • Intelligent Answers: Utilizes machine learning to provide intelligent and concise answers to user queries.
  • Social Media Integration: Integrates social media results for a holistic search experience.


Industry Applications


  • Travel: Visual search assists in identifying landmarks and finding related information.
  • Education: Intelligent answers support students in quickly accessing relevant information.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Strong visual search capabilities.
  • Integration with Microsoft's ecosystem for seamless productivity.


  • The smaller index compared to Google.


Comparative Analysis


While Bing AI Search competes well in visual search, it trails behind Google in overall search accuracy and depth.


3. Yandex

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Yandex, a Russian search engine, uses AI to serve a wide range of users.


Core Features


  • Language Understanding: Yandex excels in understanding multiple languages, providing accurate results for non-English queries.
  • Geolocation-based Search: Shows results that are closer to where the user is.
  • Integration with Local Services: Easily links up with nearby services such as maps and local listings.


Industry Applications


  • Local Businesses: Yandex supports local businesses by prioritizing their results in region-specific searches.
  • Multilingual Users: Helps a wide range of people by knowing and providing for various languages.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Strong language support.
  • Integration with local services.


  • Limited global presence compared to Google.


Comparative Analysis


Yandex is really good at finding things in specific areas and helping people who speak different languages, making it a preferable choice for Russian-speaking areas.


4. Komo

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Komo AI is an AI-powered search tool that uses AI to improve search functions, allowing users to find useful information more quickly and easily.


Core Features


  • AI-powered Search: Helps you find and look at information from various digital sources quickly and easily.
  • Secure Data Handling: Makes sure that data is handled and stored safely, following privacy rules.
  • Integration Capabilities: Can connect with other systems and platforms to make work smoother.


Industry Applications


  • Healthcare: Can assist in managing lots of patient information, and quickly find patient details, past treatments, and research papers.
  • Finance: In the finance industry, it can look at market changes and financial statements, offering useful information for making decisions and judging risks.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Works in various fields, such as healthcare and online advertising.
  • Connects with common gadgets, making both personal and work tasks easier and better.


  • AI can lead to the loss of some people's skills and the ability to solve problems.


Comparative Analysis


Komo AI offers a more targeted approach with powerful search and customization options that are especially helpful for particular job requirements or sectors seeking a specialized solution.


5. Alibaba Cloud Search

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Alibaba Cloud Search, a key part of Alibaba's system, uses AI to give a full search experience.


Core Features


  • E-commerce Integration: Works smoothly with Alibaba's shopping sites, making it easier to find and see products.
  • Intelligent Recommendations: Uses AI to offer suggestions tailored to what users do online.
  • Real-time Indexing: Makes sure the latest content is quickly available to search results.


Industry Applications


  • E-commerce Platforms: AAlibaba Cloud Search improves how people find things on Alibaba's online shopping sites.
  • Content Platforms: Ideal for platforms with dynamic and rapidly changing content.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Works well with Alibaba's other services.
  • Real-time indexing for dynamic content.


  • Limited relevance outside Alibaba's ecosystem.


Comparative Analysis


Alibaba Cloud Search works great for searching within Alibaba's sites, but it might not be as useful for other purposes.


6. Elasticsearch

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Elasticsearch is a free search tool that uses AI to help organizations do searches that can grow and work well.


Core Features


  • Scalability: Built to manage big amounts of data, perfect for companies with large datasets.
  • Real-time Search: Provides instant indexing and search for immediate results.
  • Analytics and Visualization: Great for companies that need to analyze logs and event data.


Industry Applications


  • Enterprise Search: Elasticsearch caters to businesses with vast datasets, ensuring quick and relevant search results.
  • Log and Event Data Analysis: Ideal for organizations requiring real-time analysis of logs and event data.


Strengths and Weaknesses 



  • Scalability for large datasets.
  • Real-time search capabilities.


  • Requires technical expertise for implementation.


Comparative Analysis


Elasticsearch is a preferred choice for businesses that need a system that can handle a lot of data and give quick search results, especially in situations where a lot of data is involved.


7. IBM Watson Discovery

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

IBM Watson Discovery is a part of IBM AI-powered Watson suite, is designed to offer advanced search and data analysis features.


IBM Watson Core Features


  • Natural Language Understanding: Uses NLP to understand user questions that have complex language.
  • AI-driven Content Recommendations: Gives content suggestions that are smart and based on what users do.
  • Integration with Enterprise Data: Easily connects with company data sources to give complete search results.


Industry Applications


  • Healthcare Research: Supports researchers in sifting through vast medical literature for relevant information.
  • Legal Document Analysis: Perfect for legal experts who want to find important information from large legal documents. 


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Robust NLP for nuanced query understanding.
  • Integration capabilities with enterprise data.


  • Complexity may require specialized training.


Comparative Analysis


IBM Watson Discovery excels in industries requiring advanced natural language understanding and seamless integration with enterprise data.


8. Swiftype

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Swiftype, now part of the Elastic family, is a powerful AI search engine and discovery tool for businesses seeking efficient information retrieval.


Core Features


  • Unified Search Across Platforms: Makes it simple to search through websites, apps, and places where information is stored all in one place.
  • Intelligent Autocomplete: Improves how users find things by showing them smart guesses as they type.
  • Customizable Search Ranking: Let companies change search search ranking algorithms to fit their unique needs. 


Industry Applications


  • E-commerce Platforms: Swiftype works great for making it easier to find and search for products on E-commerce websites.
  • Knowledge Management: Helps organizations quickly find what they need from large amounts of information.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Unified search capabilities across platforms.
  • Customizable search ranking for tailored results.


  • Requires proper implementation for optimal results.


Comparative Analysis


Swiftype is good because it works well in many different places and for many different types of businesses, giving a smooth search experience everywhere.


9. Algolia

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Algolia is a fast and powerful search and finding system, uses AI to improve how people use different online platforms.


Core Features


  • Real-time Indexing: Provides real-time indexing and search capabilities for dynamic content.
  • Geo-search: Enables location-based search, ideal for applications requiring spatial relevance.
  • AI-driven Ranking: Utilizes machine learning for intelligent ranking of search results.


Industry Applications


  • Media and Entertainment: Enhances content discovery in streaming platforms with AI-driven recommendations.
  • E-commerce: Facilitates efficient product discovery with real-time indexing.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Super-fast search that works instantly.
  • AI-driven ranking for optimized results.


  • It may require customization for specific business needs.


4. Comparative Analysis


Algolia is known for its quickness and ability to handle a lot of information, which makes it perfect for apps that have content that changes quickly.


10. Diffbot

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Diffbot uses AI to grab useful information from web pages, focusing on turning web content into organized data.


Core Features 


  • Visual Data Extraction: Uses machine learning to pull out organized data from websites, including pictures and texts.
  • Automatic Data Enrichment: Improves the data taken from websites by adding more information to give fuller information.
  • Customizable Data Models: Allows users to define custom data extraction models for specific needs.


Industry Applications


  • Competitor Analysis: Helps companies collect and look at data from other businesses' websites.
  • Content Aggregation: Perfect for making complete databases by gathering useful information from many different places.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Precise visual data extraction.
  • Customizable data models for versatility.


  • Primarily focused on web-based data extraction.


Comparative Analysis


Diffbot is good at carefully taking organized data from websites, which makes it a helpful tool for projects that need a lot of data.


11. Coveo

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Coveo is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses to find and manage information within their company.


Core Features


  • Intelligent Enterprise Search: Uses AI to give useful and customized search results from company data.
  • Unified Information Access: Works well with different business systems to make finding information simple.
  • Predictive Analytics: Uses machine learning to predict what users might need.


Industry Applications


  • Customer Support: Enhances customer support by providing support agents with quick access to relevant information.
  • Employee Knowledge Management: Helps companies manage and find their internal information easily.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Powerful enterprise search capabilities.
  • Predictive analytics for proactive information delivery.


  • It may require customization for specific organizational structures. 


Comparative Analysis


Coveo excels in providing a robust enterprise search experience, particularly in industries requiring unified access to diverse information sources.


12. Lucidworks

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Lucidworks is a platform that uses AI to improve search and discovery, helping users find what they need and gain useful information.


Core Features


  • AI-driven Search Relevance: Utilizes machine learning for intelligent search result ranking.
  • Personalization: Enhances user experiences with personalized recommendations based on historical interactions.
  • Data Connectors: Seamless integration with various data sources for comprehensive search capabilities.


Industry Applications


  • Retail: Drives personalized product recommendations for enhanced customer engagement.
  • Data Analytics: Helps companies get important information from large amounts of data. 


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • AI-driven search relevance.
  • Robust personalization capabilities.


  • It may require skilled administrators for optimal implementation.


Comparative Analysis 


Lucidworks stands out because it focuses on using AI to make search results more accurate and give personalized suggestions, which is why it's popular in industries that need customized user experiences.


13. Sinequa

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Sinequa is an advanced AI search engine that gives detailed insights by really understanding what users are looking for.


Core Features


  • Cognitive Search: Sinequa is very good at cognitive search, which means it uses AI to understand the meaning behind what users ask and shows them very relevant answers.
  • Unified Information Access: Provides a single place to search for information from different sources, making the search process smooth and easy.
  • Natural Language Processing: Leverages NLP for more intuitive interaction, enabling users to phrase queries naturally.


Industry Applications


  • Finance: Sinequa aids financial professionals in quickly accessing relevant market data and insights.
  • Legal: In the legal sector, Sinequa helps find and get documents faster, making legal research more efficient.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Advanced cognitive search capabilities.
  • Unified information access across diverse sources.


  • Complexity may pose a learning curve for some users. 


Comparative Analysis


Sinequa stands out in cognitive search, providing a special tool for businesses that need to understand information deeply and in context.


14. Phind

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Phind is a search platform that works directly into Visual Studio Code, helping users find information while they code, which makes them more efficient.


Core Features


  • Integrated Search: Lets you search right inside Visual Studio Code, making coding smoother by reducing interruptions.
  • Mobile App Availability: Improves accessibility with a mobile app, so you can search from anywhere easily.
  • User Customization: Offers various user settings, like dark mode, which makes the screen easier on the eyes and lets you adjust it to your liking.


Industry Applications


  • Software Development: Useful for developers who use Visual Studio Code to find answers to coding problems or look up documentation.
  • Education: Educators and students studying computer science can easily find programming resources and guides right from their IDE.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Installs directly into Visual Studio Code to make coding faster.
  • Available as a mobile app, so you can use it anywhere.


  • Mainly works with Visual Studio Code, so it might not work for people using different coding tools.


Comparative Analysis


Phind provides a specialized search feature specifically designed for coding settings, which boosts the efficiency of programmers.


15. Amazon CloudSearch

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Amazon CloudSearch, part of the AWS suite, is a search engine in the cloud that can easily grow and work with other Amazon Web Services.


Core Features


  • Scalability: Amazon CloudSearch makes it simple to grow or get smaller based on how much data a business has.
  • Multi-language Support: Works with many languages to help users from different backgrounds.
  • Integration with AWS: Connects smoothly with other Amazon web services to create complete cloud solutions.


Industry Applications


  • E-commerce: Amazon CloudSearch is extensively used in e-commerce for scalable and efficient product search.
  • Media and Entertainment: Helps find content on media and entertainment websites.


Strengths and Weaknesses



  • Smooth connection with AWS to create a complete cloud solution.
  • Easy scalability to accommodate changing data volumes.


  • It may lack some advanced features present in specialized search engines.


Comparative Analysis


Amazon CloudSearch excels in providing a scalable and integrated cloud-based search solution, particularly beneficial for businesses already leveraging the AWS ecosystem. 


16. Brave AI Browser

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Brave AI Browser puts privacy first, and knowledge second. You can chat with confidence, explore without tracking, get unbiased answers, and have open-source code with your privacy always secured.


Core Features:


  • Private Search: Brave AI Browser emphasizes user privacy, avoiding user tracking and profiling. No search history is collected, and results are not personalized based on individual data.
  • Independent Indexing: Brave AI Browser maintains its own search index, independent of other engines like Google, minimizing reliance on Big Tech and potential bias.
  • Open Source Approach: Brave Search's underlying code is open-source, encouraging transparency and community contributions to its development.


Industry Applications:


  • Journalism and Research: Securely access sensitive information without compromising privacy or facing potential search filter bubbles.
  • General Web Browsing: Have a private and fair search experience for daily browsing and finding new things.


Strengths and Weaknesses:



  • Gives assurance to users who worry about being tracked online or having their data collected.
  • Independent indexing helps avoid algorithmic biases and promotes access to diverse viewpoints.


  • Compared to established rivals, Brave AI Browser's index and search capabilities are still under development.


Comparative Analysis:


Brave AI Browser is different because it focuses on keeping your information private and being open about how it works. It's a great choice for people who want a search engine that respects their privacy and doesn't show any bias. Being open-source and dedicated to privacy, it could shake up the search engine market.


17. Perplexity

Top 17 AI Search Engines To Try in 2024

Perplexity ditches keyword searches so you can ask as you talk. This AI engine delivers knowledge through conversation, summarizing answers with cited sources for deeper understanding.


Core Features:


  • Conversational Search: Perplexity facilitates exploration through dialogue, allowing users to ask follow-up questions and refine their search through conversation.
  • Semantic Understanding: Advanced AI processes user intent and context, providing comprehensive summaries and answers instead of simple lists of links.
  • Cited Sources: Every answer comes with inline citations, promoting transparency and allowing users to verify information.


Industry Applications:


  • Research and Learning: Perplexity's conversation flow supports in-depth exploration of complex topics and promotes critical thinking.
  • General Information Discovery: You can easily look through different types of information, even PDFs, without getting overwhelmed by irrelevant results.


Strengths and Weaknesses: 



  • Prioritizes summarizing information and providing context over simply ranking websites.
  • Cited sources empower users to assess the reliability of information.


  • Currently focuses on text-based information, with limited integration of images, videos, or other multimedia formats. 


Comparative Analysis:


Perplexity offers a unique, conversational approach to search that prioritizes understanding and knowledge acquisition over simple keyword matching. While not yet as comprehensive as established engines, its strengths lie in its engaging interface, focus on context, and commitment to transparency. It caters to users seeking a deeper understanding of information rather than quick answers to factual queries.




We've just explored the exciting world of AI search engines, and it's amazing! These AI-powered search engine tools are changing the way we look for information on the internet. These advanced tools are making searches faster, more accurate, and tailored to our individual needs.


It's like having a team of really brainy friends who can answer all your questions – some are great at keeping secrets (hello, privacy!), some are like lightning-fast encyclopedias, and others are likewise owls of business info. 


So next time you're about to type out a question or dive into some online research, think of this best AI search engine list and see how it can change the way you find information.


What are AI search engines?

AI search engines are advanced search tools that utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to understand user queries and provide highly relevant search results.

How can businesses benefit from using AI search engines?

They can benefit businesses by improving search accuracy, personalizing results, and automating repetitive tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

Are AI search engines different from traditional search engines like Google?

Unlike traditional search engines like Google, AI search engines incorporate machine learning and natural language processing techniques to understand user intent better and deliver more tailored results. They can analyze data in more depth and adapt to user preferences over time.

Can AI search engines be used for research and learning purposes?

Yes, AI search engines can be used for research and learning purposes. They can help users find relevant information faster, discover new insights from large datasets, and even suggest related topics for exploration. Their advanced capabilities make them valuable tools for academics, students, and professionals seeking to access and analyze vast amounts of information.

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