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May 31, 2024 ()
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It is a sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) engine developed by Dynatrace.





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Overview Of Davis

Davis is a powerful AI engine developed by Dynatrace that helps organizations automate and improve their IT operations. It uses a combination of predictive AI, causal AI, and generative AI.

It is a powerful tool that can help organizations improve their IT operations in several ways. If you're looking for a way to reduce downtime, improve performance, and save money, then Davis is worth considering.

Davis Features

  • Hypermodal AI: Davis uniquely integrates predictive, causal, and generative AI for observability, security, and business applications. This approach allows for comprehensive analysis and insights​​.
  • Automatic Root-Cause Analysis: It detects and analyzes the root causes of issues, pinpointing problems using topology, transaction, and code-level information. Davis CoPilot then suggests remedial actions​​.
  • Natural Language Queries: Through Dynatrace Query Language (DQL), Davis CoPilot enables exploring data and identifying patterns via natural language, enhanced with causal AI for deeper context​​.
  • Auto-Coded Workflows: Facilitates the creation of automated workflows using natural language inputs, streamlining processes like auto-remediation and integration with various operational tools​​.
  • Predictive Operations: Davis forecasts and proactively addresses issues, offering features like predictive disk resizing and autoscaling resources. It generates reports and initiates actions automatically​​.
  • Auto-Generated Quality Checks: These define and validate quality objectives throughout the delivery process, applying machine learning, anomaly detection, and root cause analysis for simplification​​.
  • AI-Powered Application Security: Automatically assesses risks, detects threats, recommends remediation strategies, and simplifies security analysis, integrating all data in real-time​​.
  • Natural Language to Visual Analytics: Transforms natural language input into visual analytics, generating dashboards and notebooks to simplify data exploration​​.
  • AI-Assisted Onboarding and Platform Use: Utilizes a custom-trained large language model (LLM) for efficient onboarding and platform utilization, enabling quick adaptation to new technologies and configurations​​.
  • Custom-Trained LLMs and Hypermodal AI: Leverages optimized LLMs for precise answers and recommendations. The combination of predictive, causal, and generative AI enhances data transformation for accurate insights and results​.

Davis Pricing

  • Full-Stack Monitoring: $0.08 per hour for an 8 GiB host.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring: $0.04 per hour for any size host.
  • Application Security: $0.018 per hour for an 8 GiB host.
  • Real User Monitoring: $0.00225 per session.
  • Synthetic Monitoring: $0.001 per synthetic request.
  • Log Management & Analytics:
  • Ingest & Process: $0.20 per GiB.
  • Retain $0.0007 per GiB per day.
  • Query: $0.0035 per GiB​​.

Davis Usages

  • Application Performance Monitoring: It excels in monitoring application performance, offering problem detection and diagnosis​​.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Provides round-the-clock monitoring for infrastructure and applications​​.
  • Report Generation: Capable of generating reports based on user-defined thresholds and creating detailed monthly reports for application performance and SLAs​​.
  • Custom Synthetic Monitoring Workflows: Allows the creation of custom synthetic monitoring workflows and supports a wide range of application technologies for monitoring.
  • Centralized Dashboard: Offers a centralized dashboard for detailed insights, enhancing visibility and control.
  • Metrics and Graphs Generation: Effective in adding metrics to the UI and generating graphs, aiding in data visualization and analysis

Davis Competitors

  • Status: A SaaS-based application performance management platform offering full-stack visibility for applications and servers. It enables real-time collection of performance data to resolve issues and enhance digital customer experiences quickly. 
  • Datadog: This solution uses a common data model for AI and machine learning analytics, including anomaly detection, event correlation, and root cause analysis. Datadog's single-agent architecture simplifies usage and supports a wide range of monitoring, including hybrid cloud architectures.
  • AppDynamics: An APM platform that assesses how application performance impacts business outcomes, offering both SaaS and on-premise solutions. AppDynamics provides full-stack, business-centric AIOps capabilities and supports code-level detailed monitoring. 
  • SolarWinds AppOptics: A comprehensive and cost-effective APM solution, AppOptics is used in cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments. It features automated application root cause analysis and full-stack infrastructure monitoring. 
  • ManageEngine: Known for its remote agentless monitoring capabilities, ManageEngine Applications Manager also provides synthetic monitoring and bytecode instrumentation for agent-based monitoring. It's a versatile tool in the IT software industry, offering network performance monitoring, IT operations management, and security solutions. 
  • New Relic: Offers APM including DEM, logs, metrics, infrastructure, and analytics. New Relic One platform unifies these features and supports data ingestion from various sources. It supports open-source technologies and public cloud services like Kubernetes and is customizable, though it may require multiple agents depending on the monitoring environment​​.
  • LogicMonitor: A SaaS-based data center monitoring service providing full-stack visibility for networks, cloud, servers, and more. It offers an agentless solution, minimizing the impact on IT infrastructure. LogicMonitor's technology is designed for scaling and provides up to a year of data storage for trend analysis and future planning​​.

Davis Launch & Funding

Dynatrace Davis, featuring predictive AI and causal AI, is generally available to all Dynatrace customers. Davis CoPilot™, an expansion of Davis , will be available later in 2023 as a core technology within the Dynatrace platform. Dynatrace, the company behind Davis, was founded on February 2, 2005, and had its initial public offering on August 1, 2019.

Dynatrace has raised a total of $21.9M in funding over 4 rounds. The latest funding was raised on March 23, 2023, from a post-IPO equity round.

Davis Limitations

  • User Interface: Some users find the UI could be more user-friendly, especially from a non-technical perspective​.
  • Performance Issues: Some versions have performance issues, leading to incidents and affecting reliability.
  • Cost Considerations: The cost of the tool is relatively higher, which might be a limiting factor for some organizations​​.
  • Documentation: There is a need for improved documentation, including more scenarios and usage examples for better user understanding​​.
  • Flexibility and Descriptiveness of Dashboard: Users desire more flexibility to modify the design of the centralized dashboard and more descriptive graphs​​.
  • Web-Based Monitoring Options: More options could be included for web-based monitoring to enhance its capabilities​.

FAQs Of Davis

What is Davis?

Davis is a powerful artificial intelligence engine built into the Dynatrace software intelligence platform. It helps IT operations teams troubleshoot and resolve performance issues in complex cloud-native environments. Davis uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically analyze performance data, identify anomalies, and pinpoint the root cause of problems.

What are the key features of Davis?

  • Automatic root cause analysis: Davis uses causal AI to automatically identify the root cause of performance issues, even if they span multiple services and infrastructure layers.
  • Interactive problem mode: Davis provides a guided troubleshooting experience that helps teams quickly understand and resolve complex problems.
  • Real-time transaction insights: Davis provides detailed insights into individual transactions, helping teams pinpoint the exact point where performance is impacted.
  • Code-level insights: Davis can analyze code-level data to help developers understand and fix performance issues within their applications.
  • Business impact awareness: Davis prioritizes problems based on their business impact, helping teams focus on the most critical issues first.

What are the benefits of using Davis?

It can significantly reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR), prevent outages, improve resource utilization, and optimize security posture. Davis is ideal for IT operations teams, developers, and DevOps teams responsible for managing the performance of complex cloud-native applications and infrastructure.

How does Davis work?

Davis works in four main steps:

  1. Data ingestion: Davis collects data from a variety of sources, including your applications, infrastructure, and user experience monitoring tools.
  2. Topology mapping: Davis builds a map of your entire digital ecosystem, including all of the services, processes, and dependencies involved in delivering your applications.
  3. Anomaly detection: Davis uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the data and identify any anomalies that indicate a problem.
  4. Root cause analysis: Davis analyzes the relationships between different components in your system to pinpoint the exact cause of each anomaly.

What types of problems can Davis identify?

Davis can handle various issues, including performance bottlenecks, infrastructure anomalies, service level objective (SLO) violations, and security threats.

What are the limitations of Davis?

  • Davis is still under development, and it is not perfect. It may sometimes misidentify anomalies or provide inaccurate root cause analysis.
  • Davis requires a significant amount of data to be effective. This may make it less suitable for smaller applications or those with limited monitoring data.
  • Davis is only available as part of the Dynatrace OneAgent platform.

Is there a free trial available for Davis?

Yes, Dynatrace offers a free 15-day trial of their platform, which includes access to Davis. This is a great way to experience the benefits of Davis firsthand.

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