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Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO

May 21, 2024 ()
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It is an all-in-one SEO suite that uses AI to simplify and guide your website's optimization.





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Overview Of Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO is an AI-driven SEO toolkit tailored for WordPress, designed to simplify and optimize the SEO process. This comprehensive tool is enhanced by Machine Learning and Cloud Services, ensuring an optimized SEO experience for a wide range of users. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress and other platforms like WooCommerce and Gutenberg.

Squirrly SEO is a powerful and comprehensive SEO suite that can help you improve your website's ranking and reach your target audience. With its AI-powered guidance, user-friendly interface, and wide range of features, Squirrly is a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

Squirrly SEO Features

  • AI-powered SEO guidance: Squirrly's AI assistant, "Live Assistant," analyzes your content and provides real-time feedback on how to optimize it for specific keywords. It gives you clear instructions on improving your title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and more.
  • Keyword research: Discover high-potential keywords with Squirrly's built-in research tool. Get insights into search volume, competition, social media popularity, and ranking difficulty for each keyword.
  • Content optimization: Optimize your existing content and plan new content around high-potential keywords. Squirrly provides a content score for each page and suggests actionable steps to improve it.
  • Technical SEO audits: Identify and fix technical SEO issues that are holding your website back from ranking higher. Squirrly crawls your website and provides a detailed report of any issues, along with instructions on how to fix them.
  • Rank tracking: Track your website's ranking for specific keywords over time. See how your SEO efforts are paying off and identify areas where you can improve.
  • Competitor analysis: Uncover your competitors' SEO strategies with Squirrly SPY. See what keywords they're targeting, what backlinks they have, and how they're optimizing their content.
  • Seamless integration with WordPress: Squirrly is available as a WordPress plugin, making it easy to integrate with your existing website.

Squirrly SEO Pricing

  • Free Plan: This version of the plugin is available at no cost. It includes basic SEO functionalities.
  • Pro Plan: Pay USD $20.99 for the first month, then $29.99/month.
  • Business Plan: Pay USD $71.99/month.
  • Agency Plan: Pay USD $75.99/month.

Squirrly SEO Usages

  • AI-powered SEO goals: Receive high-priority, actionable tasks on improving specific pages based on data analysis and AI insights.
  • Step-by-step guidance: Get clear instructions on how to fulfill each SEO goal for optimizing content, title tags, meta descriptions, and more.
  • SEO content grading: Analyze your content's optimization level and get suggestions for improvement, including keyword usage, structure, and readability.
  • Discover untapped keyword ideas: Analyze your niche and website to find relevant long-tail keywords with good search volume and low competition.
  • Analyze keyword potential: See clear-cut intelligence like search volume, competition data, social media popularity, and ranking odds for each keyword.
  • Track keyword performance: Monitor ranking positions, clicks, impressions, and social shares for thousands of keywords across 170+ search engines.

Squirrly SEO Competitors

  • Surfer: Surfer is an AI-powered content optimization tool that helps you create content that is optimized for both search engines and humans. It analyzes the top-ranking pages for your target keywords and provides you with actionable insights on how to improve your own content.
  • MarketMuse: Offers AI-powered keyword research, content optimization, and topic modeling, helping you create competitive and relevant content.
  • Semrush: Provides a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including keyword research, backlink analysis, competitor analysis, and content optimization. Its AI features include content gap analysis, topic suggestions, and on-page optimization recommendations.
  • Seobase: An AI-powered SEO platform that provides keyword research, backlink analysis, on-page optimization, and competitor analysis tools.

Squirrly SEO Launch & Funding

The company was founded in 2016 by Marko Bilic.

Squirrly SEO has raised a total of $3.2 million in funding, with its most recent funding round being a $2 million Series A investment in 2020. 

Squirrly SEO Limitation

  • Limited free plan: Squirrly SEO does not offer a free plan, which can be a barrier to entry for some users. The paid plan is more expensive than some other popular SEO plugins.
  • Reliance on AI: While Squirrly SEO's AI-powered features can be helpful, they can also be limiting in some cases. For example, AI may not always provide the best advice for your specific website or niche.
  • Limited keyword research: Squirrly SEO's keyword research tool is not as powerful as some other tools on the market. It does not provide data on competition, search volume, or keyword difficulty.
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners: Squirrly SEO has a lot of features, which can be overwhelming for beginners. It may take some time to learn how to use all of the features effectively.

FAQs Of Squirrly SEO

What is Squirrly SEO?

Squirrly SEO is an AI-powered, all-in-one Search Engine Optimization suite for WordPress. It is designed to simplify and optimize the SEO process, offering over 650 pre-configured features to improve website SEO. It aids in various aspects of SEO, such as keyword research, content optimization, SEO settings, technical SEO, site auditing, and rank tracking. Squirrly provides a user-friendly, educational approach that makes SEO easier for its users.

How does Squirrly SEO simplify the SEO process?

Squirrly SEO simplifies the SEO process by offering over 650 pre-configured features, eliminating the need for guesswork. It provides a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers approach to managing and improving website SEO. These methods include keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and site audits, among other features. Squirrly ensures an efficient and fail-proof way to increase and oversee website SEO, helping users obtain better SEO results without any technical expertise.

What are the key features of Squirrly SEO?

Key features of Squirrly SEO include: Focus Pages, Keyword Research Tool, Best SEO Goals, Track SEO Results, Briefcase – Keyword Portfolio, SEO Live Assistant, Excellent Blogging Tools, Google SERP Checker, Bulk SEO, SEO Audits, Customize Open Graph, SEO Snippet Tool, XML Sitemap Generator, JSON-LD Semantic SEO, and Duplicate Removal Tool.

How does the Keyword Research Tool in Squirrly SEO work?

Squirrly SEO's Keyword Research Tool allows users to discover untapped keyword ideas and analyze their potential for more than 140 different languages. This tool provides strategic insight into keywords, helping users identify and target the most suitable and relevant keywords for their website content.

Can I customize the open graph with Squirrly SEO?

Yes, Squirrly SEO does allow users to customize open graphs. This feature empowers users to control how their pages appear and are shared on social media platforms. Customizing open graphs helps enhance the visibility of users' websites on social media, leading to better click-through rates and social media engagement.

How does Squirrly SEO help in rank tracking?

Squirrly SEO provides comprehensive rank-tracking solutions. It allows users to keep track of their ranking progress through in-depth performance metrics. It provides insights into top-ranking pages, enabling users to understand where their traffic and leads are coming from. This feature provides all the necessary data to strategize and improve search engine rankings.

How can I use Squirrly SEO for WordPress?

WordPress users can use Squirrly SEO by installing the Squirrly SEO plugin. After installation, users have access to all the tools and features of Squirrly SEO right within their WordPress dashboard. They can conduct keyword research, optimize content, audit their site, and track their SEO progress, all within their WordPress website.

Can I perform Bulk SEO with Squirrly SEO?

Yes, you can perform Bulk SEO with Squirrly SEO. The Bulk SEO feature allows users to manage and adjust the SEO settings of multiple pages of their site all at once. This feature greatly enhances efficiency when implementing SEO strategies.

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