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Overview Of Taskade

Taskade AI is an all-in-one team productivity platform with AI-powered tools for streamlined work and collaboration.It is used for Business and Product Management, Personal Productivity, Education, Software Development, Design and Creative Work and so on. Get Started with Taskade and boost your team's productivity!

Taskade Features

  • Custom AI Agents: You can design your own AI agents to carry out particular duties, such writing research paper summaries or creating agendas for meetings.
  • Smart Automation: It offers smart automation, which includes the ability to automate various tasks like reminding you or assigning tasks to team members.
  • AI Chat: Taskade AI is available to you via chat to assist you with your work and to respond to your inquiries.
  • More than 1000 Templates: To assist you in getting started on your projects, Taskade AI includes more than 1000 templates.
  • Integrations with numerous other products: Taskade AI integrates with Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Google Calendar, among others.

Taskade Pricing

  • Free
  • Starter Plan: Rs.325 per month
  • Plus Plan: Rs.600 per month
  • Pro Plan: Rs.1019 per month for up to 10 users (billed annually) or Rs.2065 billed monthly.
  • Business Plan: Rs.2625 per month for up to 25 users (billed annually) or Rs.5280 billed monthly.
  • Ultimate Plan: Rs.5333 per month for up to 50 users (billed annually) or Rs.10655 billed monthly.

Taskade Usages

  • Take control of your to-do list: Taskade's user-friendly interface streamlines task prioritisation, organisation, and tracking, saying goodbye to disorganised reminders.
  • Master your mind: Use Taskade's note-taking tools to capture and organise thoughts, transforming notes into practical plans.
  • Productivity Ninja: Integrate calendars, set deadlines, and receive AI-powered workflow optimization tips with Taskade's goal-conquest support.
  • Simplified project management: Use Taskade to collaborate in real-time, share tasks and notes, and provide transparent progress monitoring, keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Creative brainstorming haven: Taskade promotes idea generation, graphic concept mapping, and feedback collection in a central hub for a productive brainstorming dance.
  • Simplified client communication: Share updates, exchange files, and provide immediate feedback on tasks to reduce email clutter and improve project collaboration with Taskade.
  • Digital bullet journal: Create a personalised notebook, track habits, and reflect on your day using Taskade's adaptable design for building your own productivity system.
  • Meeting Maestro: Using Taskade's targeted approach, capture key meeting points, assign action items, and transform meetings into actionable outcomes.
  • Second brain builder: Organise knowledge, link concepts, and support successful learning using Taskade as your trusted partner for personal and professional development.

Taskade Competitors

  • Sheldon: It’s your go-to AI assistant for online tasks. With a Chrome extension, it handles emails, code, Excel, and in under 5 seconds. Save up to 40% of your internet time with Sheldon.
  • Fgeneds: It’s a web app that uses AI to create cheat sheets from boring lecture slides, making general education classes easier and more enjoyable for students.
  • Gemoo: It helps you explain things with videos, pictures, and documents. If it's hard to describe in text or on the phone, use Gemoo to send a quick visual message.

Taskade Launch and Funding

Taskade began in 2019 as a specialised 3D note-taking software dubbed "in3D," attracting early investors. In 2022, a strategic shift transformed it into the ultimate productivity hub, combining tasks, notes, and collaboration. This audacious move earned them $5.2 million from prestigious investors such as Y Combinator, driving them to the top of the productivity game. 

Taskade Limitations

  • Freemium model: While Taskade provides basic functions for free, advanced functionalities such as custom templates and limitless workspaces require a paid subscription, potentially limiting access to premium services.
  • Limited integrations: Taskade falls short of integrating with a wide number of third-party apps and services, providing issues for consumers looking for seamless connectivity inside their existing workflow.
  • Limited automation: The automation capabilities of Taskade are not as robust as those of certain competitors, making it difficult to automate processes that are not natively supported by the platform.
  • Limited customization: When compared to other productivity systems, Taskade's UI and branding options are less configurable, making it difficult to create a really unique workspace dedicated to certain brands or organisations.

FAQs Of Taskade

What is Taskade?

Taskade AI is an all-in-one team productivity platform with AI-powered tools for streamlined work and collaboration.It is used for Business and Product Management, Personal Productivity, Education, Software Development, Design and Creative Work and so on. Get Started with Taskade and boost your team's productivity!

How to use Taskade?

You can use Taskade by following steps:

  1. Sign up, explore, and choose your view (list, board, mindmap, or calendar).
  2. Add tasks, break down projects, and set due dates.
  3. Share projects, collaborate, chat, and assign tasks.
  4. Use AI, templates, and integrations to superpower your productivity.
  5. Access help, tips, and community support when needed.
  6. Start small, experiment, and enjoy the Taskade experience

Who is Taskade for?

Taskade is a lifesaver for everyone who wants to get things done, whether you're a:

  1. Busy professionals: Manage your workload, deadlines, and team projects with ease.
  2. Creative freelancer: Brainstorm ideas, organize your workflow, and showcase your portfolio in one place.
  3. Student juggling classes and projects: Stay on top of assignments, collaborate with study groups, and take notes like a pro.
  4. Family organizer: Plan meals, share chores, and keep everyone in the loop.

Is Taskade free to use?

Yes, Taskade offers a generous free plan with everything you need to get your to-do list done. Taskade lets you manage unlimited projects, tasks, and subtasks, collaborate, and even use basic AI features like outlining and summarizing. Taskade offers affordable premium plans for those who need more power.

Do I need to be an expert to use Taskade?

There is no need for an expert! Taskade is simple and friendly. Choose your perspective, assign chores, relax with AI, and learn as you go. Start with a free plan and get productive!

Reviews Of Taskade
Parth Makwana PM

I love productivity tool to do some more work
Hiren kalariya
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